Two days ago I went with the kids to Ikea. We were nearby and hey, you don’t really need an excuse to go to Ikea. At least not in my opinion. It is no secret that I love that place, especially all the smaller items like napkins, kitchen stuff, glassware, textiles and of course, the storage section with all the lovely carton boxes!
Truth is that I don’t really needed anything, but sometimes, it is nice to do things just for the fun of it. In the past, this didn’t stop me from buying lots of stuff in places like these. Even if there isn’t anything you need, there is always something we want right?
So we walked around the shop. The kids tried out every sofa, bed and table. We had the usual cafeteria experience. It was fun for all. In the end we walked out with a box of colored chalk and a packet of pretty napkins.
Not because that there weren’t a lot of things that we didn’t want, but because there wasn’t anything that we really needed. For good and for bad, these are two things that we have learned to differentiate between in the last couple of years. I think that it has even become kind of a habit!
On one hand, it can sound kind of boring, living according to a budget and don’t spend money that isn’t necessary? One the other hand, by doing this for a while you start to get used to it. And the great thing is that you slowly realize that all those things, you once thought you had to have, suddenly you live just fine without them – and it saves you both money and clutter.
Don’t get me wrong; I still want a lot of stuff and I also get urges to buy something. And I do buy. But it happens less and less these days and most times, if I don’t act on the impulse immediately, it tends to goes away.
Will I ever be the person that buy nothing at all? Hopefully not, as I don’t really want to go that far and do enjoy nice things, but I can certainly see myself as the person who buys very little….
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