Yesterday my daughter had some philosophical thoughts on how it can be that we clean the house but then it always gets dirty and messy again. Wouldn’t it just be great if we cleaned once and that it would stay that way? I don’t particularly like to clean (who does?) but don’t also like with the mess so that doesn’t really leave much of a choice….
These days spring is really in the air. I love the feeling and the weather that in my opinion is so much better than summer here – way to hot! With spring comes the spring cleaning, right? All the light really makes me see all the not so clean parts of the house. That and the fact that family is coming to visit for the Pesach/ Easter holiday so that is also always a good reason to get some cleaning done.
Very unexpectedly the cleaning idea came from Dear Husband (if he sees the need then it is really bad!) and we decided to start with cleaning out the pantry.
We have been living in the house for a year and eight months. Before moving in we threw away a lot of things. I hate moving but like the way that you can really go through all the stuff and get rid of all the things you don’t need.
One of the main reasons why we chose to buy this house was the pantry. It is right next to the kitchen has room for the washing machine and shelves for all kinds of dry foods, kitchen equipment, plastic and glass ware, etc. It is a great place and saves a lot of place in the kitchen.
Anyway, a year and 8 months is apparently plenty of time to make a lot of mess because when we started taking out all the stuff we couldn’t believe how much mess was in there! We ended up getting rid of about 5 big garbage bags full of things: packaging and cardboard boxes, food with the dates expired, some electrical devices that are no longer functioning, etc. I am still in shock about the amount of stuff I drove off with to the recycling place!
Now it looks so neat and uncluttered and I can actually see what I have and don’t have. All our dry foods are organized which will probably also make it easier to plan out the meals with what we have and not buying new foods and things because we are not aware that they are already there. I for sure will not have to buy any more muffin forms or rice for the next few years!
Now, all there is left is to hope that it stays like this at least for a little while 😉
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