Since I started this blog, a few people has told me that I am creative. If you would have me describe myself in 10, 50 or even 100 words, I do not think that creativity would be on the list.
When I was in elementary school, about 5th grade, we had art class about once a week. I really enjoyed it and also thought myself to be good at it. At the end of the school year the teacher did a round in the classroom telling every kid how she thought that they performed in her class during the school year. She had nice words for everyone and then it was my turn. The words were unkind and in the eyes of my 11 year old self, not fair! Maybe she was right but until today I can feel the disappointment and humiliation of that day and it really took me a long time to let it go. One thing is for certain; she destroyed my wish to do something creative for the next 20 years to come. I hope that my children will never have a teacher like her….
Anyhow, since becoming a mother 7 years ago, I can see that the creative side is slowly returning, mostly by doing all kinds of activities with the kids and I am actually enjoying it 🙂
Since we are lately in a money saving kind of mode, our focus is to do things while having the cost as low as possible. We certainly still want to do many things so the trick is to find the way to do it while being smart with the costs at the same time. The internet is a place of endless possibilities and there are many sites of great DIY ideas, many of them very low-cost.
When we moved into the new house, we were in needof somewhere to hang our jackets. We looked around and found an idea to make a hanger out of an old pallet. The pallet we found, the hooks and the paint we bought. All in all the cost came to about 140 Shekels (US Dollars 40) mostly because of the hooks from Nomess Copenhagen that were on sale but still not cheap. We are happy, though, both with the cost and with the result.
So maybe I am a bit creative after all?
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