The things I love the most in life have no monetary value really. First up is the love I have for Dear Husband, my children, family and best friends. Then there is my freedom to be who I am and the time spent being that person. All things too big and too important be even be measured in money value. I guess most of you also feel the same way. And still, money play such a huge and almost overwhelming part in our lives.
Most people I know spend too much money on things they don’t really need. Including myself. I am much more aware of it than I used to be, but still, it is still there.
It is a shame to spend money that you don’t need to, don’t you think? Still cutting down on our spending is not an easy thing to do. Still, everyone could benefit from this. Even if we think we have enough, it is always possible to put more on the side and save for a rainy day or something else. If you don’t have enough it is even more important not to make matter worse than they are, or could be.
When looking at what to cut money wise, our values are therefore a good place to start. Let me give you a personal example. I love spending time with the kids and Dear Husband. The spending time together, that is the important part. The way we do it, is less important. That means that we could, for example, either choose to an activity like going to an amusement park or we could choose to take a hike in the fields close to the house.
The first one can be quite pricey whereas the other doesn’t need to cost a thing. The goal of them both is the same; spending time together. Does that mean that we can never go to an amusement park? Of course not! But it means that the options are wide open for a family activity and they don’t always have to be costly.
The idea is similar for everything. Is it important for you to spend time with friend? Include activities that are cheap or free! Want to get fit? Try and think of ways to do so that are cheap or free! I think you get the idea…
What are your values? What is of the highest importance to you? Think about how can you stay true to those things and stay smart with your money.
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