Have you ever thought about not buying something particular for a certain period of time? Do you think that you could? Believe me when I say that it is harder than you think!
About a month ago I wrote a post about how I finally cleaned out by closet. How I embarrassed about the state of my closet and the amount of clothes that I found in there. I sincerely thought that I do not buy a lot of clothes and maybe I don’t… compared to other people, but for my own self-set standards, this was too much.
So having cleaned out my closet and organized all items left in there on the shelves (now actually in an amount that I can see what I have), I made the decision, that at least for now, I have enough clothes. So for a period of at least 6 months I will not be buying any new clothes or shoes.
It has now been 6 weeks and I have to tell you that it is not easy. It is unbelievable how many times a day we are reminded that we ought to or need to buy something new. On one hand it is hard to limit myself (especially if I see something nice), but on the other hand, there is a lot of simplicity in the decision of not buying.
So, so far so good, but talk to me in a months’ time and I will let you know how it is going. Up until now it has certainly upped my awareness for how much I was buying or thinking about buying when I did in fact have lots of nice things already.
What do you say? Would you try it out?
[…] has now been more than 3 months since I bought any piece of clothing, shoes or accessories. I wrote about my decision to do so in a previous post, but basically the decision was made after deciding that I have more than enough […]