Some of my best friends are very into vintage and although I have accompanied them on several occasions to flee- markets and vintage stores, it has never really been my thing. I tend to like my things new!
This week we decided to rearrange our office space/ family room to make room for a work space for me too. Until now I have been sitting in the kitchen, but feel that I need to sit somewhere more organized. In order to do that we were looking for something to put the TV on that was small, functional and of course budget friendly.
Having found nothing in Ikea and the like, we took a trip to our local vintage store (Haosef, Kibbutz Mishmarot – totally worth a visit!). There we found a cabinet fulfilling all the criteria we were looking for (and there was a lot of other fun stuff too :-)).
I sanded it down a bit and gave it a coat of white paint – not too much to keep the vintage feel. Inside I peeled off the original shelf paper and attached some linoleum fabric instead using a staple gun. Dear Husband made a hole in the back of the cabinet for the cables.
Cabinet: NIS 150 (US Dollar 42)
Linoleum fabric: NIS 15 (US Dollar 4)
Total: NIS 165 (US Dollar 46)
We are happy with the result and I am sure that this is not the last time we will go vintage! 😉
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