I have had people ask me if my kids really eat all the different things that I post in my meal plans every week and the answer is no. Not all of it, but about 90% of what I cook, they actually eat. Maybe I am lucky that they are not picky or maybe it is just our fantastic (!) education. I, of course, tend to think that it is the latter (but I am probably wrong) 😉
These are some of the principles that I follow when it comes to my kids and what they eat:
· I do not cook more than one meal at a time
· They have to taste it
· They can decide only to eat some of the components of the meal
· They are allowed to pick out specific things that they don’t like and put them on the side
And so they eat most of what I serve!
On a totally different note, my mother pointed out that we do not eat enough fish so this week I will compensate for that :-).
Here is the full plan for the coming week:
Sunday: A light start to the week with Mini Focaccias with Salami, eggplant and cherry tomatoes (without eggplant for the kids!)
Monday: Chili Con Carne with tortilla chips and Sour cream (optional) on the side
Tuesday: An universal children favorite I think Chicken Nuggets with Potato Wedges
Wednesday: Filling and fairly fast and easy Meat Burekas with vegetables
Thursday: My eldest loves fish (for real!) so I am going to make her Salmon with Sweet Potatoes
Have a good week!
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