I claim that everything looks better when looked at from a positive point of view! So why is it that we (I!) often tend to focus on the things that are not exactly how we want them to be or on the things that we don’t have?
Let’s be better at appreciating the good things in life and try to put everything into proportions! I will start by listing 20 things that I am thankful for today:
1. Dear Husband and the kids
2. My parents and my sister
3. My grandmothers, aunt and cousin
4. My whole family-in law
5. Good friends
6. Health
7. That it is Friday
8. My work
9. Good food
10. Coffee
11. Chips (because it is not part of good food ;-))
12. A good book
13. A walk on the beach
14. A good movie/ TV show
15. Holidays
16. Nice weather
17. My house
18. This life
What are you thankful for?
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