Remember my no buying project? My project where I decided to stop buying clothes, shoes and accessories? If not, you can read more about it in this previous blog post. From April to late November I bought absolutely nothing and have since then only bought a t-shirt and just last week, a pair of spring shoes at an Aldo outlet for the outrageous price of 25 NIS!
Last month, one of my best friends who has also been following my project with interest, asked me how it was going and when I was going to stop. I told her that although I had officially stopped the project more than a month ago, I still haven’t really gotten back to buy much.
The no-buying behavior sort of got me un-used to buy anything thus realizing that I don’t really need it that much and that I have been managing just fine with what I have already. I don’t feel that I have just stopped to buy, but instead learned to stop, take a thinking break and then decide what I need and what I don’t (and mostly I don’t!).
Generally, I don’t believe of cutting something totally out of my life. I must admit that I have a hard time understanding those who choose to be vegans, vegetarians, or those who don’t eat sugar or drink coffee. I strongly believe in moderation and variation but in this case I can say, that when I felt that I had a problem regarding the clothes buying, quitting it cold turkey for a certain time, helped me to get a better understanding of why it is that I buy.
So, I have not stopped buying; I know for a fact that I will buy again, but am quite certain that it will not be without some thought and consideration beforehand and though I do not believe in “never”, I have realized that “for a while” will teach and help me quite a lot.
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