I read a lot, like really a lot. A book a week is not unusual and often even more. This is how it has been pretty much since I learned to read. When I tell people about my reading I often hear a version of “I wish I could do that, but I don’t have the time!”.
When it comes to time, it a fairly fair resource that we all have the same amount of. It is what we do with it that sets us apart. True, we don’t all have the same amount of “free” time; time that isn’t tied to work or other obligations, but we all have it plus the choice of what to do with it.
When someone says “I have no time to read” (could also be exercise, cooking, pottery, etc.), I don’t think that that is very accurate. What it means is that they haven’t made it a priority. That in itself, I think, is entirely ok. The problem is more when the lack of priority translates into an excuse not to do things that we love and enjoy. When we do that it is just a waste of time! 😉
When it comes to money, the resource is less fairly distributed, meaning that we all have a different amount of it. What we almost all have, though, is a certain amount of “free” money that is not tied to something specific, like mortgage, rent, loans, utilities, etc.
This sum of money that is “free”, is what we should be looking at, to see if it is being spent according to our priorities, on where it benefits us the most. We often have this feeling of “where did all the money go” or “I have no money left for the things I really want to do”, and that is when we should take a closer look at our expenses. What do we spend our money on? Is that a priority for us or could that money be spent better elsewhere (or not at all)?
For me, us, the top priority that this point in life is time. Time to spend on the things we choose. This priority means that we make very conscious choices when it comes to our spending. We have found that the less money we spend; the less time we have to spend on earning it. That means that if we spend less, we earn more time. That is our priority. I would love to hear yours.
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