Lately when I look in the mirror I see an older version of myself. I know, not really old, but somehow older than I feel on the inside and what I expect to see. It is like there is some kind of discrepancy between how old I feel and how old I look. Do you have those moments, too?
My grandmother (in the picture with me), is a few years short of 90 but always says that you are as old as you feel, and she is one of the most active people I know, so I guess that there has to be some truth in that.
It got me thinking why it is that we (I) are never really satisfied with what we have in the present moment? Why is it that we are always striving for, what we think is, a better version of ourselves? Someone smarter, someone thinner, someone sportier, someone more successful, someone younger?
That I have had bodily issues for most of my life is no secret and when I think back to my high school years, for example, I remember exactly how I felt. Too chubby, not very pretty and very insecure. Today, when looking back at pictures from that time, that is not what I see at all. I looked great! Why didn’t I see then what I see now? Many years have passed since then and I think that I have matured since then, but still, this is still what I feel sometimes. Still, I am sure that when I look back at pictures from these present days, I will say to myself: “what was I thinking, I looked great!”.
When it comes to money, I think that our unsatisfaction and insecurities have a lot to say in regards of our spending. That is exactly the goal of every commercial; to show how that next product will make you thinner, prettier, more fashionable, healthier and happier. We are made to believe, or make ourselves believe that, if we buy this or that, all our problems will be solved. Even when we know, down deep inside, that it really isn’t so.
Let’s instead take those things and turn them around. Embrace them, accept them and even use them as something motivational. If there is really something that we want to change, let’s do it not by buying yet another useless product, but by deciding to make a real change – one that comes from within.
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