I love learning something new. I love hearing other people views, ideas and experiences. There are a lot of ways to be impacted from others but the easiest (and laziest) one is probably from the web! What better way to get inspired by others while sitting comfortably at home, with your computer and a cup of coffee 😉
Here are some of the things I enjoyed reading in the last week or two:
How To Be A Happier Human Being Even When You’re Failing (Forbes.com)
People Should Spread Out Their Spending–So Why Don’t They? (scientificanamerican.com)
What are things I should do every day to have a good life? (quora.com)
What If Money Can Buy Happiness? (Behaviorgap.com)
The Incredible Story of Percy Ross, the Millionaire Who Gave Away His Fortune (howtogetrichslowly.com)
15 DIY Recipes That Are Even Better Than Takeout (buzzfeed.com)
And a video: If The World Were 100 People (Good Magazine/ Youtube)
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