They say that history repeats itself and in my life, that is certainly true. My parents came to Denmark in the late sixties/ early seventies, leaving behind a then anti-Semitic Poland. I was born in Denmark and have for the most felt it to be my culture and my land. It didn’t bother me, but there was always that little feeling of being different; the language we spoke at home, the food, the holidays, the cultural background. That and the very funny mistakes my mother made in Danish J
When I moved here, to Israel, 16 years ago at the age of 21, I had a lot of those experiences yet again. Suddenly, I was weird in a totally different manner (!) but also a lot of similarities that I suddenly experienced; the food I grew up eating was no longer weird, many of my friend have the same cultural background and the holidays are suddenly national and not only religious. But now I am the one cracking up my kids when I make the funny mistakes in Hebrew!
Being different is a fact, but we deal with it, I believe, is a choice. It was never an obstacle for my parents and isn’t for me either. There is often a wish to be like everyone else, but it is the difference that truly makes us who we are (and we are all different in some way or another!)
Trying to be like everyone else is in my opinion, very limiting. It can make us do things we don’t really want to do and spend money on things we don’t really want to. We are all special, with special “superpowers”, the trick is to find out what they are and use them.
Today I see my quirks and differences as an essential part of who I am. On some points I am like everyone else and other very different. In some ways I do the same as those around me and in other ways, I don’t.
So as history repeats, we are the household with the different languages, cultural backgrounds and funny linguistic mistakes, but we are who we are and that is not so bad.
So what is your superpower?
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